Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What does SPF mean? Does a higher SPF mean better sun protection?

Answer: SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and refers to the theoretical amount of time you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned. For example, an SPF of 15 would allow you to stay in the sun 15 times longer than you could without protection. So, if your skin starts to redden in 20 minutes without sun block, applying a product with SPF 15 increases that time by a factor of 15, meaning you could stay in the sun for 300 minutes. In addition, a higher SPF blocks out more rays—a product with an SPF of 15 will filter out approximately 93 percent of UVB rays; SPF 30 filters out about 97 percent.
But in reality, it’s not quite so straightforward. A multitude of factors affect how well you are protected from the sun. Sunscreen can be easily washed off by exposure to water or sweat, which can leave parts of your skin vulnerable to UV rays. Applying your sun protection unevenly or not reapplying sunscreen often enough can also reduce its effectiveness. Even your genetic make-up comes into play. If you have fair skin or if there is a history of skin cancer in your family, you may be at higher risk for skin cancer. Finally, certain medications—such as antibiotics or products with retinol—can make your skin more sensitive to the effects of sunlight.
It’s also important to know that SPF only applies to UVB rays. There is no SPF equivalent for UVA. You can look for additional ingredients in your sunscreen to protect you from UVA—such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide—but there’s no standard measurement for how long these ingredients will keep you protected.
For all of these reasons, it’s not a good idea to solely rely on SPF to gauge how much time you can spend in the sun. For most people, SPF 15 will suffice, if you keep in mind the following tips:

Select the Right Sunscreen

Choose a sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB. Look for products containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide because they protect against the full spectrum of UVA rays.

Lotion Up Liberally

Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours—sooner if you swim or exercise because water, sweat, and clothing can remove it from the skin. Don’t skimp! You should use at least an ounce with every application, so in a full day at the beach you’d go through half of an eight ounce bottle.

Try Sun-Protective Clothing

Choose your clothes wisely before you go out in the sun. Dark clothing can block nearly all UV radiation and tightly woven fabrics are more protective than looser weaves. If you’re wondering how well your clothing will protect you, just hold it up to the sun. If you can see light passing through it, UV rays can get through, too.
You might also consider purchasing special sun-protective clothing. A relatively new rating for sun protective textiles is UPF, or Ultraviolet Protection Factor. UPF blocks both UVA and UVB rays. (You can find UPF-rated clothes online at
Special laundry detergents such as Rit Sun guard ( can increase the UPF of most clothing for about 20 washings. Keep in mind that no matter what you’re wearing, all fabrics block less UV light when they’re stretched or wet.

Check Yourself

Keep an eye on your skin: Look for new moles or changes in old moles and report any concerns to your health care provider. We recommend annual skin exams for anyone over 40, or for anyone with fair skin or a history of multiple sunburns.
For more information on how to stay safe in the sun, check out and the American Cancer Society.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

IPL Laser Hair Removal at Alluring Look Skin & Laser

About Hair Removal with IPL/Laser 

Excess body or facial hair can be a problem for both women and men. Frequent hair removal chores including shaving, depilatories, plucking, and waxing are time-consuming, often painful, and always inconvenient. At best, they offer only temporary results, for some only a few hours. Laser technology has brought us a better way, a safe, long-lasting way to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body, leaving skin feeling smooth and healthy.

Lasers and IPL (intense pulsed light) devices, (which are not technically lasers but work on a similar principal), can be used for hair reduction and skin treatments such as improving skin tone, fading sun damage and acne. Permanent hair reduction involves the use of either a single wavelength of light (laser) or a flash of light containing hundreds of wavelengths (IPL or broadband light BBL).
Melanin within the hair follicles is targeted, heating and damaging the follicles in an active growth cycle. Only hairs that have color can be treated, so white and grey hairs won't respond. Success of the treatment depends on your coloring, with laser generally working best on fair skin and dark hair. Fairer skin and red hair will respond to a lesser degree and those with darker skin can be treated, with a great deal of care. All the experts agree that laser or IPL treatment, in the hands of an experienced and trained operator can be very effective. It's the best way to remove unwanted hair, as long as you're a "suitable candidate".


IPL is much more comfortable than waxing, electrolysis, and even traditional laser. The cost is less than other technology methods. Although it may be slightly more expensive in the short-term, in the long run it will save you thousands of dollars over other hair removal options, like waxing.

IPL hair removal provides permanent relief. Most Alluring Look Laser members receiving treatment can expect 60-90% permanent hair reduction. Any hair that does grow back will usually be lighter, finer and thinner. After completing treatment, members may need to return 1 or 2 times a year for occasional touch-ups. Touch-ups are offered at a discounted rate for those that completed Alluring Look's IPL treatment.

We tell clients to plan on a year or a little more for treatment, on average. Most people will need 8-12 sessions for permanent results. You may see results as early as your first session. Your Hair Removal Specialist can start to update you on expected number of treatments after your mid-treatment review.

A single area session can last anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes, depending on the area and your hair type. Your Hair Removal Specialist will review this information in your Personalized Treatment Plan on your first visit.

Most people describe our treatment as painless. However, each person has different sensitivity levels. You get to try the treatment with your FREE test patch, before coming in for your first full session. If we feel that this treatment will not be safe or effective for your skin and hair type, we will recommend another hair removal method for your personalized treatment plan. Our well-trained specialists operate FDA cleared machines that provide safe and effective treatment. The greatest risk during treatment occurs by not following the guidelines for safe treatment or failing to disclose medical information. 

Both provide similar results within a similar time-frame. Traditional laser is a focused beam of light, while IPL is a broader spectrum of wavelengths. Generally, if there’s any type of skin reaction during treatment it is more likely to be permanent with traditional laser. You may need one or two additional treatments with IPL over traditional laser. But, each person and each area will react differently. You may find that traditional laser did not work for you, but IPL laser could be highly effective. Most people feel that IPL is much more comfortable.

IPL laser hair removal works best on light skin with dark hair. It focuses heat on the melanin in the hair and carries it into the follicle. Hairs with minimal or no melanin will not be able to get long-term results.

Because IPL laser hair removal focuses on the melanin, it may either be ineffective or pose risk in areas with little contrast between skin and hair color. The test patch can help us decide if an area may suitable for IPL treatment. Some people with darker skin tones find that they can safely get IPL laser treatment in some areas, but may need to do waxing, threading or depilatory products in other areas. 

Before Your Appointment

Please be sure to completely shave the area you wish to have treated. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for at least 2 weeks prior to scheduling, this includes spray tanning and other self tanners. Please come free of lotions, makeup and deodorant.

If you feel like laser hair removal is right for you click HERE to schedule a free consultation!

 the area to be treated.